Chakras importance on our stamina

In our body, we have seven chakras. Chakras are centered around the energies perceived in our core. The seven different types of chakras that we have, play an important role because if we learn the meaning behind them, then it is easier to balance life, mind and body. I try to maintain some sort of regimen when it comes to some part of my chakras because it gives me the peace of thought that by doing so, I can function my overall health in a more beneficial way. Below is a list of the seven main chakras.

  • Root (red)

The root chakra is found at the base of the spine. It provides a base for life and allows the self to feel grounded and able to withstand challenges. This chakra is in control of the senses of security and protection.

  • Sacral chakra (orange)

Situated just below the belly button is the sacral chakra. The blame for artistic and sexual energies lies within this chakra. It’s all related to how reactions to others and thoughts to emotions are received by the self.

  • Solar plexus (yellow)

This chakras location is in the stomach area. It plays a major role in our self-esteem and confidence as well as how we control our life. If you think about it, there is a reason why they always say to pay attention to your gut!

  • Heart (green)

It is located in the center of the chest near the heart. This beautiful chakra symbolizes our way of showing love and compassion to ourselves and the world!

  • Throat chakra (blue)

The throat chakra is located in the throat. It allows for the ability of communication and speaking out inner truth. Sometimes, I like to wear my Siberian Blue Quartz pendant around my neck because it helps give me more confidence when I speak.

  • Third eye chakra (indigo – purple)

The chakra of the third eye lies between the eyes. It plays an important role in providing a strong gut instinct. I am thankful for this specific chakra because intuition is responsible for the third eye and it is also linked to imagination!

  • Crown (violet)

The chakra of the crown is at the top of the head. It is responsible for spiritual connection to the universe, self and to others. It plays a part in the meaning of my life because it helps resemble my personality by the way I practice bringing in spirituality on a day to day basis through meditation, yoga or exercise.

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